
5-Day WhatsApp Class


Stock Market Foundations


Ready to take control of your financial future? Look no further than Stock Market Foundations, a comprehensive 5-day WhatsApp class designed to give you the skills and knowledge you need to navigate the stock market with confidence.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Day 1-What & How of Stock Markets
  • Day 2-Decode Corporate Jargon
  • Day 3-Financial Statement Analysis
  • Day 4-Live Market Practice
  • Day 5-Risk Management in Stocks

Who Should Take This Class:

  • Beginners looking to get started in the stock market
  • Anybody looking to make  career as a trader or an investor

Your Instructors:

Yatin Ranade, an experienced trader and investor since 2009 and a dedicated teacher since 2013. With a formal education in Physics & Economics and industry-recognized certifications such as NISM Derivatives Module, NISM Research Analyst, and CMT level 1, Yatin is well-equipped to guide students on their stock market journey. In 2016, he formed Capitalize, a training firm dedicated to helping individuals navigate the market with confidence.”

How does it Work:

  • After registration, you’ll be added to the WhatsApp group
  • You will receive Fully downloadable course lessons daily at 11 am
  • You will also receive live Zoom Links for Q&A & Doubt clearing at 10 pm

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a solid understanding of the stock market and take control of your financial future. Sign up now to secure your spot in Stock Market Foundations!